Amazing Venetian Mirror Tray Ideas

The beauty of Venetian Mirror Tray has been appreciated for several hundred years in many parts of the world. A craft that develops on a small island in Italy produces beautiful artwork that hangs in the house and even the palace of the king and queen. The art of glass blowing and mirroring was passed … Read more

Sentuhan Venetian Style Mirrors of Indo Glass Craft

Keunggulan gayanya yang klasik, unik dan elegant membuat venetian style mirrors masih diminati hingga ini. Perbaduan setiap bagian potongan kaca menyatu menjadi desain yang tidak membuat bosan dipandang. Meskipun sudah puluhan tahun menggantung di dinding sebagai cermin hias atau dekorasi dinding, venetian mirror tetap menjadi hiasan yang sulit tergantikan. Tampilan yang klasik dapat di terapkan … Read more

Steps by Steps For Installing Venetian Wall Mirrors

Replacing the mirror actually requires certain skills. You not only have to ensure that the mirror hanging straight, but also should be aware that different types of Venetian Wall Mirrors should be hung in different ways. Then you also have to set the placement strategy! The following steps will help you to be an expert … Read more